20 Yard Dumpster Rental

Rent a 20 Yard Dumpster that fits your waste removal needs.

Is a 20 Yard Dumpster the right size for your project?

Selecting the appropriate dumpster size is an important decision when undertaking any project involving waste management. Among the various options available, the 20-yard dumpster stands out as a versatile choice, offering ample capacity while remaining manageable for a wide range of projects.

Common Uses of a 20 Yard Dumpster:

  • Roofing debris (approx. 50 sq ft)
  • Asphalt or concrete recycling (3/4 full)
  • Home window replacements
  • Kitchen Remodel
  • Furniture Removal
  • Deck Removal
  • Removal volume equal to 5-6 pickup truck loads

What are the dimensions of a 20 Yard Dumpster?

The outside dimensions of the dumpster are 3.5' tall X 7.25' wide X 22' long.

The 20-yard dumpster provides a significant increase in capacity compared to smaller options like the 15-yard dumpster. This larger size makes it well-suited for medium to large-scale projects, including home renovations, commercial construction, and sizable landscaping endeavors.

View examples of projects using our 20 Yard Dumpsters in Philadelphia & South Jersey

One of the primary advantages of opting for a 20-yard dumpster is its generous capacity, which can accommodate a substantial volume of waste. Whether you're disposing of construction debris, household junk, or yard waste, this size dumpster offers ample space to handle a diverse range of materials. This makes it particularly convenient for projects that generate significant amounts of waste but don't require the excessive capacity of larger dumpsters.

Do you have other size dumpsters to rent other than a 20 Yard Dumpster?

The 20-yard dumpster strikes a balance between capacity and maneuverability. It is relatively easy to place on-site, even in residential areas with limited space. Its dimensions allow for convenient placement in driveways, parking lots, or other designated areas, minimizing the need for long-distance hauling and reducing the risk of property damage during delivery and pickup.

Additionally, the 20-yard dumpster's increased capacity can result in fewer trips for waste disposal compared to smaller sizes, which can translate to cost savings and greater efficiency, particularly for larger projects with extended durations.

Despite its versatility and advantages, the 20-yard dumpster may not be suitable for every project. For smaller-scale renovations, decluttering projects, or tight urban spaces, a smaller dumpster size might be more practical and cost-effective.

If a 20 Yard Dumpster is not the right size for your project, we also rent 15 Yard Dumpsters and 30 Yard Dumpsters. Call us and our team will help you decide which dumpster is the right size for your project.

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